Gilded Vellum/Washi Paper Workshop Day 1
Contact Kevin for more information, costs and dates: Email or phone 215.592.0830
Topics to Cover
Why I have selected these materials and processes [show n’ tell]
What makes a good print to gild
Using your printer, settings, overcoming obstacles
Demonstrations. all steps, how to set up workspace
Printing a vellum Epson P600 [P7000 considerations] Timing
Varnishing, signing, mark making
Masking print and coating with gilding size. Design considerations.
Conservation of materials for quality and cost savings
Gilding; patent, loose leaf, rolls
Not panicking & how to fix undesired effects.
How to preserve the work.
Have fun, go to town and make some!
Kevin’s private online group invite.
Gilding Workshop Day 2
Recap & Q+A of Day 1
Demonstrations for solutions to problems with previous images
Discussion of other papers.
Specific coating with other papers and some other adhesives.
Water based materials, sprays, my approach
Thinking and working through difficulties. An approach.
How to set up, sources, best practices, best pricing for supplies, how to charge, how to display
Practice with several very thin materials.
Gilding on glass and acrylic. Specialty brushes and adhesives.
Getting them home, framing questions and pack up!
Final questions, considerations.